Movement Preparation Part 2 (Soccer)
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of eLearning completion and 1 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) Point (if applicable).
Movement preparation is a component of training to enhance performance and durability, using well-established, science-based principles of training the physiology and psychology of the athlete. It is based on the concept of physical literacy and features a series of fundamental movement skills and dynamic exercises deliberately sequenced and progressed in 3 levels to train the brain as well as the body.
This eLearning course is the 2nd part of a 3 part training program which teaches coaches how to effectively use the physical literacy movement preparation as a warm-up to increase the durability and performance of athletes while decreasing their risk of injury. While applicable to all sports, this program focuses specifically on the protocol for level 1, while developing familiarity with the program and the supporting tools to progress to levels 2, 3 and beyond in the future.
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
Know the key objectives of each of the five components of movement preparation: dynamics, accelerations, ladders, cutting, and core.
Be familiar with the each of the Level 1 movement preparation exercises.
identify the equipment needed to implement movement preparation in a soccer setting.
Describe how to set up, implement, and progress each of the five components.
This course was developed by Sport for Life in part with Canada Soccer as part of the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015™ Legacy program with the financial support of the Public Health Agency of Canada.