Engaging Those Who Are New to Canada via Physical Literacy and Quality Sport

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 3-4 hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) Points (if applicable).
This workshop is part of the Physical Literacy Leader - Level 1 Certification.
Physical activity is a lot more fun when you are physically literate. Now more than ever, physical literacy is being recognized as an important component of best practices in the sport, recreation, health and education sectors within Canada. Unfortunately, not everyone knows or understands exactly what physical literacy is.
The goal of the Introduction to Physical Literacy workshop is to cover a broad introduction to the concept of physical literacy. During this workshop, you will take part in an interactive session that will help you to define exactly what physical literacy means, and how you can integrate its concepts to improve your programs. We will touch on the Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY) tools and show you how these can be used to track development of physical literacy skills to help participants improve where needed. You will leave with a solid understanding of what physical literacy is and knowledge of how you can encourage continual improvement and development of physical literacy skills across the lifespan.
Learning Objectives:
Examine the definitions of physical literacy.
Describe the components of physical literacy.
Discuss the role that physical literacy plays in health.
Identify the factors that can improve physical literacy.
Recognize your role in supporting the development of physical literacy.
Examine the physical literacy assessment tools.
Identify various tools and resources that can assist with developing physical literacy.
This workshop can be delivered in person or virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.
To ensure the success of this workshop, a minimum number of registrations is requred. If registration numbers are low, the workshop will be cancelled and Sport for Life will reach out with an opportunity to take part in another, upcoming workshop.

Duration: 2 Hours
This workshop is part of the Physical Literacy Leader - Level 1 Certification.
The Developing Physical Literacy in Recreation Programs workshop aims to build on your own experiences to understanding physical literacy and how your experience can also develop you into an effective leader for recreation programs.
With an emphasis on recreation leaders this workshop breaks down the definition of physical literacy and its importance in quality program.
Participants will work through scenarios and learn to adapt programs using the ‘5+5 model’ consisting of five design considerations and five session characteristics.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
define and understand physical literacy and all its components,
discuss healthy child development and its relation to physical literacy and physical activity, and
examine and demonstrate how to facilitate quality programs.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.
To ensure the success of this workshop, a minimum number of registrations is requred. If registration numbers are low, the workshop will be cancelled and Sport for Life will reach out with an opportunity to take part in another, upcoming workshop.

Language: English
Workshop Duration: 2 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) Points (if applicable).
This workshop outlines the barriers that those who are New to Canada may face in their participation in sport, and then provides examples of solutions and opportunities that exist, as well as promising practices of work being done across Canada to develop or improve programs.
According to statistics, approximately 40,000 people a month arrived in Canada throughout 2021 and 2022 from all over the world. Some of them were students, others were immigrants or temporary foreign workers, and an increasing number were refugees from countries such as Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syria. With this complex new social reality comes both opportunity and challenge, which is why Sport for Life has chosen to offer this workshop.
Completion of the Welcome to Canada: Engaging New to Canada Participants in Sport and Physical Activity eLearning is recommended prior to participation in this workshop.
Who should attend? Sport leaders, coaches, municipal recreation leaders, PTSOs, funders and everyone committed to working together to make physical activity and sport more enjoyable, accessible and safer spaces for New to Canada Participants.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the implications of immigration status on quality sport and physical literacy.
Examine the importance of fostering a partnership so that those who are new feel included.
Describe the difference between overcoming a barrier and dismantling a barrier for those who are new.
Identify an attainable action plan for your operating context
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 3-4 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
The Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop will help participants understand the importance of physical literacy development for every participant of all abilities. This workshop will take participants through the principles of universal design and how they can be incorporated into all programs. It will also help participants develop adaptations to programs and activities to allow for different types of disabilities to participate and have a quality first involvement experience.
Learning Objectives:
Examine the definitions of physical literacy.
Describe the components of physical literacy.
Examine equity and inclusion as it relates to physical literacy programming.
Define positive behaviour support.
Describe the role of positive behaviour support in supporting participants of all abilities.
Discuss the Universal Design principles as it relates to inclusive physical literacy practices.
Identify appropriate adaptations for various types of disabilities, based on the universal design principles.
This workshop can be delivered in person and virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 8 hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
The Indigenous Communities: Active for Life resource and accompanying full-day workshop were created with guidance from Indigenous leaders throughout the country. Community leaders will be inspired by culturally tailored resources that act as a vehicle toward individual and community holistic development.
The resource and workshop support these individual champions as they embark on a journey to develop sustainable quality sport and physical activity programs, build collaborative relationships, and re-engage their community members into active and healthy lifestyles.
Learning Objectives:
Identify elements of quality experiences in sport, physical activity, and recreation programs.
Examine the definitions of physical literacy.
Describe the components of physical literacy.
Examine relevant tools, resources, and action plans supporting Indigenous communities sport and physical activity programs.
Discuss best practices for supporting participants’ physical, mental, spiritual, and cultural needs.
At this time, this workshop is only available for in person delivery.
To book this workshop please fill out this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 8 hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
The Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway resource and workshop are designed to help sport and physical activity leaders and organizations across Canada in enhancing their understanding of how to support Indigenous participants and athletes in their programming.
The workshop will spend time developing an appreciation of Indigenous culture, and how that culture plays out with reference to engagement and sustained participation through the sport system. It will outline the key elements that need to be considered when planning, developing, and implementing programs for and with Indigenous peoples and communities, including a focus on supporting the physical, mental, spiritual, and cultural needs of the individual to maximize their experience in sport and physical activity. The workshop will focus on how the competition pathway and policies within the system can be adjusted to ensure that a clear pathway is created for Indigenous participants and athletes.
Analyze the cultural background and history of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Recognize the different approaches needed to support the holistic needs of Indigenous participants.
Describe the two streams in the sport and physical activity system in Canada.
Gather tools and develop an organization specific action plan to better support and welcome Indigenous participants into all programs.

Language: English, French
Duration: 2 hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
This workshop is part of the Physical Literacy Leader - Level 1 & Quality Sport Leader - Level 1 Certification.
Let’s give everyone the opportunity to be Active for Life! To achieve that means ensuring everyone has a sense of belonging in the sport and physical activity ecosystem. If you had to rank yourself from little knowledge to a lot of knowledge regarding belonging in sport and physical activity, where would you place yourself? Join this workshop for all learners who are new to the concept of belonging or those who want a refresher.
Introduction to Belonging in Sport and Physical Activity is a workshop designed to equip cross-sectoral stakeholders (e.g. sport, recreation, primary to post-secondary education, health and municipalities) with the competence to cultivate belonging in sport and physical activity. During this 90-minute interactive workshop, we will define concepts of belonging, explore how to integrate these concepts to improve your programs and present considerations for your participants’ identities.
Belonging is an important part of providing quality sport experiences and developing physical literacy for everyone. If your participants feel a sense of belonging then your program is fostering acceptance, community connections and/or trust. Join us in the advancement of the Sport for Life movement, where sport and physical activity have the power to be catalysts of change
Learning Objectives:
• Recognize bias, power, and privilege concepts in order to expand comfort zones.
• Define intersectionality.
• Discuss opportunities to facilitate belonging in sport and physical activity spaces.
• Review self-reflection questions and create opportunities for further self-
This workshop can be delivered in person or virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.
To ensure the success of this workshop, a minimum number of registrations is requred. If registration numbers are low, the workshop will be cancelled and Sport for Life will reach out with an opportunity to take part in another, upcoming workshop.
Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 3-4 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
This workshop focuses on providing early years staff (front-line Early Childhood Education staff, supervisors, managers) and parents with an increased understanding of physical literacy development in young children (0 to 5 years). Participants will learn what physical literacy is and why it is important to develop in young children, understand the relationship between brain development and physical literacy and learn how relationships, environment, activities, and equipment can support physical literacy development.
Learning Objectives:
Describe key concepts such as active play, fundamental movement skills, risky/adventurous play and physical literacy.
Examine the critical role early years play in the future health and physical literacy of a child.
Identify concepts and activities that support active play in the early years.
Review educational tools for parents which highlight the important role of active play on a child’s overall development
Gather information that can be applied to increase the capacity of managers and staff to develop policies, practices and environments.
This workshop can be delivered in person or virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English, French
Duration: 2 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) Points (if applicable).
This workshop will provide participants with the ability to execute, score and interpret the physical literacy assessment for youth (PLAY) tools in a sport specific setting. The session includes an update on physical literacy trends, which highlight potential roles for sport associations. Participants will leave this session with a renewed sense of urgency to address physical literacy through their strong working knowledge of the PLAY tools and their application. There are numerous opportunities and applications for these tools, including physical literacy awareness for parents and coaches, global and individual tracking of physical literacy, assessing the impact of your programs on physical literacy development and research applications.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.
To ensure the success of this workshop, a minimum number of registrations is requred. If registration numbers are low, the workshop will be cancelled and Sport for Life will reach out with an opportunity to take part in another, upcoming workshop.

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 3-4 Hours
The Physical Literacy for Older Adults workshop is specifically designed to provide leaders who work with older adults (55+) with an increased understanding of physical literacy development. During this workshop, participants will take part in an interactive session that will help you to define physical literacy, the key barriers to participation for older adults and how to address them. Participants will learn how to incorporate ten characteristics and considerations to design quality programs for older adults. By the end of the workshop participants will know how to make modifications or create new physical literacy enhanced programs in their own organization.
Learning Objectives:
Examine the definitions of physical literacy.
Describe the components of physical literacy.
Differentiate between physical literacy,physical activity, and physical fitness.
Identify and address the three key barriers to participation for older adults.
Explain how to use the “Five plus Five” to design quality programs for older adults.
Create modifications to existing programs, or create physical literacy-enhancing activity programs for older adults.
This workshop can be delivered in person or virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English
Workshop Duration: 90 Minutes
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
Physical Literacy Movement Preparation is an enhanced training program performed as a warmup before practices and games to enhance performance and durability. Movement preparation not only prepares the body for movement, it also improves the way you move, reducing the risk of injury during physical activity, and teaches skills necessary for performance that are often neglected during regular training.
Participants complete two eLearning modules in preparation for a mentor-lead, practical, in-person, peer-teaching session supported by instructional materials. This training will better prepare the participant to assist in the development of better movement skills in their participants through a developing physical literacy approach.
Learning Objectives:
Identify and demonstrate proficient movement patterns while performing a movement preparation sequence.
Describe the relationship between the movement preparation component of a training session and enhance musculoskeletal strength.
Participants prepare their muscles for immediate activity and develop the skills and confidence to safely participate in unfamiliar activities.
Demonstrate skills, confidence, and motivation to overcome challenges.
What to bring to the on-field session?
Active wear (running shoes and comfortable workout attire)
Smartphone or tablet if you wish to access videos during on-field session or record your own video during the on-field session
Materials to take notes
At this time, this workshop is only available for in person delivery.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English
Workshop Duration: 4 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
The Quality Physical Literacy Experiences workshop focuses on building the ability of participants to integrate a 'developing physical literacy' approach to their physical activity program design and delivery.
Specifically, participants will be able to explain how to support movement skill development, identify ways to support inclusion in physical literacy programs and create modifications to existing programs to make them physical literacy enriched.
Learning Objectives:
Describe Universal Design and its importance in recreation planning.
Demonstrate knowledge and instructional skills pertaining to the application of the Universal Design in physical literacy settings.
Examine the ‘5+5 model’ consisting of 5 design considerations and 5 session characteristics.
Understand different forms of assessment.
Facilitate and critique a quality active session.
At this time, this workshop is only available for virtual or in person delivery.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.

Language: English, French
Workshop Duration: 4 Hours
Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).
This workshop is part of the Quality Sport Leader - Level 1 Certification
The community is where most sport happens yet there is little support in the way of resources, workshops and strategies for Canada’s sport and community leaders. This workshop is designed to connect and inform local sport clubs and their community partners such as facilities, municipalities and schools with tools, connections, resources and processes that support quality sport and physical activity at all levels. We will explore how to collaboratively provide quality sport in our communities by developing and supporting good people, good places and good programs.
Who should attend? Sport leaders, coaches, municipal recreation leaders, PTSOs, funders and everyone committed to working together to deliver the best possible sport and physical activity across the community.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be introduced to the Quality Sport checklist as well as information, resources, and the opportunity to share collaborative strategies in the following areas:
Athlete growth and development
Long-term goal setting
Intentional use of competition for development
Commitment to sport for all
Partnerships that prioritize development needs
This workshop can be delivered in person or virtually.
If you would like to book a workshop for a group, please complete this form or contact us at workshops@sportforlife.ca.
To ensure the success of this workshop, a minimum number of registrations is requred. If registration numbers are low, the workshop will be cancelled and Sport for Life will reach out with an opportunity to take part in another, upcoming workshop.