Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable). 
The community is where most sport happens yet there is little support in the way of resources, workshops and strategies for Canada’s sport and community leaders. This workshop is designed to connect and inform local sport clubs and their community partners such as facilities, municipalities and schools with tools, connections, resources and processes that support quality sport and physical activity at all levels. We will explore how to collaboratively provide quality sport in our communities by developing and supporting good people, good places and good programs. 
Who should attend? Sport leaders, coaches, municipal recreation leaders, PTSOs, funders and everyone committed to working together to deliver the best possible sport and physical activity across the community. 
Learning Objectives: 
  • Participants will be introduced to the Quality Sport checklist as well as information, resources, and the opportunity to share collaborative strategies in the following areas: 
  • Athlete growth and development 
  • Long-term goal setting 
  • Intentional use of competition for development 
  • Commitment to sport for all 
  • Partnerships that prioritize development needs 

Hora y lugar seleccionados

junio 14, 2023 A junio 14, 2023
09:30 A 13:30

$ 20.00

Virtual - Zoom
Not Applicable, 0

11 Plazas restantes






Número de plazas:

Información sobre la inscripción

Organización / Equipo / Club




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Correo electrónico

Código postal

Información de pago

Nombre en la tarjeta

Número de cuenta

(No puede contener espacios - Se utiliza para verificar la identidad)




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